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Search widget in WAB has stopped returning layer results if geocoder is included

05-22-2023 06:01 AM
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Frequent Contributor

I have an existing WAB in AGOL that has a search widget.  A few weeks ago, the ESRI geocoder disappeared from the widget as a search.  Not sure how, not sure why.  Tracked it down, added it back in, went to download the code to deploy on our own servers.


Noticing now that no other layers configured in the search widget are working.

Yes, I do have the search by layer setting turned on for the web map.

I'm trying to figure out what is going on - If I take the ESRI Geocoder out, the other layers will show results.  If I add it back in, it's the only layer showing results.  

This is very frustrating as I want it to show the results for 3 layers:

1. Tax Records - it searches by situs or owner address (WFS has not been changed in 2 years - query is enabled)

2. Our personal geocoder - built off of our 911 data  (could not publish it as a composite including ESRI Geocoder)

3. The ESRI World Geocoder - covers the rest of the addresses that may not geocode in ours.


This is a publicly used app and we need this functionality.  Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: I was able to bring the map into a blank WAB and the search started working.  However, want to try and fix old one as it is very customized & building from scratch would take days!

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