I have a Web Map that I created in ArcGIS Online with data that is hosted on our server. When you pan around and zoom in and out in the map viewer, things draw really fast. I have created an Application with Web AppBuilder Developer on our server with this map and when you pan, things draw fast, but when you zoom in and out, it takes quite a while for the drawing to render. Why is there such a lag in drawing in the Application? Is there something I can do to speed this up? It doesn't matter if they are images or just vectors either. Thanks so much for any help.
I have discovered that this only happens once the Layer List widget is open!! After that, rendering is really slow - even if the Layer List is closed again. Is there something with this widget?
Are there any errors that appear in your browsers web console?
Sorry for the delay answering - long weekend. The one Error that comes up is : TypeError: Cannot read property 'refreshInterval' of null. Do you think that is what is causing the slow down??
Very likely because refreshInterval is a property of a layer and that error is saying that the layer is null. Can you look at your browsers network tab and refresh you app, looking for any 400 errors?
I am not seeing any 400 errors. I will definitely look into the refreshInterval.