Using the OTB Query Widget is it possible to search a related table but render the results using the origin table/Feature Layer's graphics?
For example, if I have a point feature layer of businesses and a 1:M related table of business categories with X Business falling into A,B,C Categories, could a user directly query the related table (e.g. using a Unique Value dropdown to select Category A) and have all qualifying businesses drawn as if the user were querying the geometry table itself?
I've tried a limited version of this but the widget only returns a list of text results in the Query window. However, I may be overlooking a reference/configuration document somewhere.
This would take some significant development/extending of the Query widget but it should be possible. I have not had the need to do this yet so I don't have any code to share.
Thank you Robert for the feedback!
I'll leave this question open for the moment in the event that any other users have examined and/or tackled this problem.