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Query widget & MapService (vs Feature Service)

09-24-2015 08:14 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am not able to display geometries after a query on a layer on the web map coming from a MapService. The results are only attributes even if I have set the output style (lines) from the widget configuration.

With the same layer coming from a Feature Service instead I am able to query it and display not only the attributes but also the geometries on the map and the relative attribute table (so I can export it as a CSV file).

Why? What's the matter?

Thank you very much!


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus


   Do you have the ObjectId and Shape fields listed in the fields list when you look at the rest endpoint in your browser for that layer? If you have the ObjectId and or Shape fields hidden in the MXD when you publish the service you will not be able to return geometry.

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