My organization has a property viewer application built with v. 2.0 of WebApp Builder. We were notified of some odd behavior. It involves features where the value in fields are 0 (numeric field). If you search for the feature in the search box, the map zooms to the feature and opens a pop-up box. However, instead of showing the zeros, nothing shows up. But if you were to select the feature, the pop-up box does show the zeroes. I know Null and 0 are false in JavaScript. I have a suspicion that this may be related to the quirk. Has anyone else noticed this issue?
You can test this out by:
1. going to Property Mapper
2. Typing "40-14-0140-085" in the search box
3. Scrolling to the bottom of the popup that opens after you perform the search
That issue is fixed in the latest version of WAB. I just tested it.