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Layer List Widget Showing Unlisted/Unwanted Layers

09-04-2019 09:49 PM
Occasional Contributor

I'm configuring several different layer widgets in my web appbuilder to show only certain layers from the web map. There are two layers in my web map that are not appearing under the 'Choose which layers will be shown on the list' options. Therefore, they are always appearing in the layer list. I don't want to show these, but I can't even see them in the list, and therefore can't untick them. Does anybody know why this may be happening? Is there something unique about these layers that may be causing them to not appear in the list? They are not unique to any of the other layers in my map as far as I can tell.

4 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   What type are these layers?

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Occasional Contributor

Two hosted feature layers. One is points, another polygons.

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MVP Emeritus


   By hosted you are meaning on AGOL right? 

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Occasional Contributor

I think I have the same problem. Have you solved it yet? 

I have 9 layers in my webmap. And only three of them I want to include in the layers widget. But The widget menu shows only 5 layers. And when I press enter, in the final webapp, all 9 layers are visible in the widget. 

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