I am using the Smart Editor Widget in the Jewelry Box Theme that loads in the left open panel. What i would like to know is if i can turn off the Smart Editor Widget on load of the page so people can click on areas and get a popup rather than opening the edit pane for that area.
I have tried just starting the panel so it is closed however it still opens the widget when hidden.
I am currently using Web AppBuilder Dev 2.4 to configure this. if any one has any ideas let me know.
Any widget you put in the Jewelry box drawer will automatically be running/launched.
Hi Robert,
I did think that. Do you know if there is anything in the code i could change or edit to turn this off at launch. I have tried automatically opening other widgets. But i believe the drawer opens last so it becomes activated.
My current work around which works alright if you are not to quick to click ok is to open a splash screen on load of page. Though this still loads before the drawer loads so if you click ok before the drawer widget loads completely it becomes active.
Here is some code that will deactivate the smart editor widget when the drawer is close and re-activate it when the drawer is opened (add lines 14 - 21):
startup: function () {
LayerInfos.getInstance(this.map, this.map.itemInfo)
.then(lang.hitch(this, function (operLayerInfos) {
var timeoutValue;
if (this.appConfig.theme.name === "BoxTheme") {
timeoutValue = 1050;
} else {
timeoutValue = 1;
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function () {
this.panel = this.getPanel();
topic.subscribe('changeMapPosition', lang.hitch(this, function(){
if(this.panel.windowState === 'minimized'){
I will have a try