I want to include proxy for my request and response in my application built using ArcGIS javascript api 3.22 and WAB 2.5. I downloaded the Java source from the following link GitHub - Esri/resource-proxy: Proxy files for DotNet, Java and PHP. and I have hosted that in Apache Tomcat 9.
when any POST request is coming, it is throwing 500 internal error and when i tried to use my direction widget in my web application, this proxy is throwing 500 Internal Server Error for both GET/POST request.
Please help me to solve this.
Hi Siva,
didi you solve this problem ? I have something similar, POST request seems not to be recognized by PHP proxy
Hi Gianni
This issue got resolved, there is something to do with my URL's not with the proxy for me.
I have used Java Proxy.
Thanks & Regards