Specifically, I work for a non-profit electric distribution cooperative and we have a web application I built with web builder. The default base map is bing maps with satellite imagery. We have users who when dealing with a large amount of electric outages like in the case of a storm or something will switch their basemap to something with very little detail. Like the light gray canvas or something. Well from our outage management system I can right click on an outage and "Zoom To" it on the map. But when I do that it automatically changes the basemap back to the default. Anyone know any way to make it not do that by changing the web app or web map in Portal?
If you set the web maps basemap to your desired base map then that will be your default.
Are you talking in the map viewer settings? That I know but as a user I want to change my default. It does remember my layer settings and map position though.
So you are talking about your user changing the basemap at runtime anf you want the app do remember what the last chosen basemap was when the app is restarted?
Yes. If a user changes his basemap to something other than the default is there a way for that to stay. Sort of like it remembers my last position and what layers I have turned on or off. It does remember that stuff I assume by a cookie or web cache.
Correct it will use the browsers local store or a cookie in much old browsers cases. But the base map is not something that is coded to be recalled. I could be programmed to if you were using the developer edition and had the know how though.
I’ve posed the question to our developers so hopefully they can come up with something.