I'm trying to select some features in a layer on a map, then get them into the client side output widget to use those selected features into another personnalize widget. In the end, I would like to use those data to create a chord diagram. But for now I need to understand how to access the data in my script, what form the data have...
Could you please help me ?
Thank you in advance,
I couldn't understand the "client side output widget". In what format the data would be at the client side?
Do you think the Add Data widget could work?
Hi, I meant I use this sample : https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-experience-builder-sdk-resources/tree/master/samples/widgets/client-s...
I'm not trying to add data to the map, it already have different layers. I'm looking for accessing the data table of selected features of those layers into another widget I would code.