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How to remove layers listed in Screening Widget report if they return a value of (0) / are not in AOI

02-24-2023 11:25 AM
Regular Contributor

I am using the Situation Awareness widget in a web app, but would like to switch to the Screening widget, as it seems to have more options in selecting an area to analyze (drawing shapes, search by coordinates, etc.) Currently when creating a report for the Screening Widget, all layers are included, even if they are not in the AOI (they will have a "0" next to the layer name). I would prefer to create a report that only lists the layers within the area I select (so it would remove any layers that do not appear within the buffer). Is this possible?

I see there is a checkbox under the Analysis tab when configuring the widget: "Do not analyze or report results that are not visible", but this isn't what I'm looking for (I would prefer for features to be included in the report, even if the layers aren't turned on within the map, but only if they return a value greater than 0). 

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6 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Veronica,

Did you mean the print report or the runtime report? If it is print report we have an option in Download tab, when checked that will collapse the rows that have 0 values in all the configured fields, Could you please try that option and see if that solve your issues. 



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Regular Contributor


Thank you for your suggestion; yes I have tried checking this box as well, but all layers are still returned even if no results are in the area. This happens for both the initial report that appears in the sidebar after entering in the buffer distance, as well as when selecting print report. I was curious if it was a bug, or something I'm not thinking about correctly?

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Esri Contributor

It is only supported in the print report not in the side bar report currently. Is you app publicly available? If yes, could you please share the url, I would like to see if this is a bug.

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Regular Contributor

Unfortunately it's not public. Maybe I'll reach out to Esri directly.

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Esri Contributor

That will be great,  please reach out to esri support, we will take a look.

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Regular Contributor

Thanks for your feedback - how do I know the request has been reviewed?

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