I have to change Portal URL due to organization wide domain change. I have Web AppBuilder Developer (WABD) deployed in the environment. I made changes to portal URL to following places
1. C:\<path>\arcgis-web-appbuilder-2.x\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\server\db\
Changed "portalUrl" in the app file for all the apps.
2. C:\<path>\arcgis-web-appbuilder-2.x\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\server\apps
Changed portalUrl in config.json file under each app
I restarted ArcGISWebAppBuilder service to make sure changes take effect. But I am unable to see app list when I open WABD stem app.
Is there anything else I am missing. ?
You need to update the server/signininfo.json file portalUrl as well.
Yes I did that as well. I forgot to mention that.
That should be everything... I guess you need to give tech support a call.