Hello everyone,
I want to query a layer that is inside a group in a Web Map. I tried to follow the samples to query the first layer in the group, in ths case id="0". This s the link I am following to build the URL query: -https://doc.arcgis.com/en/web-appbuilder/manage-apps/app-url-parameters.htm- but because the layer is in a group I am not able to make the query work.
Samples I have done:
https://myarcgisonline.com/Projects/index.html?webmap=.......&query=MyGroup_4686, PROJECTID='22209'
https://myarcgisonline.com/Projects/index.html?webmap=.......&query=MyWasdDeveloperAgreements_4686_0https://myarcgisonline.com/Projects/index.html?webmap=.......&query=0https://myarcgisonline.com/Projects/index.html?webmap=.......&query=0https://myarcgisonline.com/Projects/index.html?webmap=.......&query=0, PROJECTID='22209'
I do not know how to correctly build an url string with query parameters when the layer is in a group.
In this case the layer has "id": 0,
This is how the config,json file has the layers listed.
Config file.
"id": "MyGroup_4686", ******************************************** THIS IS THE GROUP
"layerType": "ArcGISMapServiceLayer",
"url": "https://................../MapServe",
"visibility": true,
"visibleLayers": [
"opacity": 1,
"title": "Projects",
"layers": [
"id": 0, ********************************************* THIS IS THE LAYER I WANT TO SEARCH
"id": 1,
"popupInfo": {
"title": "Future Projects",
I find the easiest way to find the exact layer id is to use the LayerList widget and right click on the sublayer of interest and choose inspect to bring up the element in the developer tools. Then in the class attribute you will see the exact id of the layer (i.e. "ParcelViewerWM_1607_141"). The whole class attribute will be "layer-title-div-ParcelViewerWM_1607_141 div-content jimu-float-leading" so you just extract the "layer-title-div-" portion and everything after the space.
Thanks, I found the name of the layer: MyGroup_4686_0
It does not work.
We are using Web AppBuilder 2.0, is there any need to update any of the config files
I that 2.01 had an issue with the query layer being in a different WKID than the map. Your layers data is WKID 102658 and the map is 102100 and there is no method in the old 2.0 WAB to set the query outspatialreference to the maps spatial reference.
In the 2.14 version of WAB the jimu.js\MapURLParamsHandler.js > SelectFeatures method has this (notice line 5, which your code does not have in version 2.01):
function selectFeatures(map, layer, queryArray){
var query = new Query();
var prefix = '';
query.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference;
Thank you!! We are going to test these changes in our development version.
Hello everyone,
Finally I was able to do it, but using the extent:
http://<your portal url>/apps/webappviewer/index.html?extent=-13079253.954115,3959110.38566837,-12918205.318785,4086639.70193162,102113
Dim URL As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("MyGISViewerPortalURL")
Dim myWKID As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("WKID")
URL = URL & strxmin & "," & strymin & "," & strxmax & "," & strymax & "," & myWKID