FusionCharts is not defined

02-08-2021 03:54 AM
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New Contributor III

Dear All,

 i want to show some charts on widgets.i have third party library for fusion charts.i  referenced the library like given below line

chartDt:function chartDt()
             var chartData = [];
             var strRotate = "rotate";
             var type = "column3d";
             //for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) {
                            chartData.push({ "label": "Proj""value": "15",});
                            chartData.push({ "label": "Lics""value": "51",});
            // }

            const chartConfig = {
                type: type,
                renderAt: 'chartContainer',
                width: '100%',
                height: '100%',
                dataFormat: 'json',
                dataSource: {
                    "chart": {
                        "theme": "fusion",
                        "caption": "Hello",
                        "captionFontSize": "30",
                        "captionFont": "myFirstFont",
                        "captionFontColor": "14197A",
                        "captionFontBold": "1",
                        "exportEnabled": "1",
                        "exportFormats": "PDF=Export as PDF",
                        "labelFont ": "myFirstFont",
                        "labelFontBold": "1",

                    "data": chartData
            var fusioncharts = new FusionCharts(chartConfig);
i complete all the code for chart in chartdt as given above function.when i run the code.but there is no chart on widget.When i check the inspect.it throws one error fusion charts not defined.so how to solve this.
please help.
Thanks in advance
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