I have an app built with Web Appbuilder Dev 2.2 with some layers off of ArcGis Online. I down loaded it and put it on my IIS. with a proxy. It seems as when i try to print with a certain layer i get print error. Network tab indicates the following. I am not sure what this means other than the maximum request length exceeded. Any help would be great.
HttpException (0x80004005): Maximum request length exceeded.] System.Web.HttpRequest.GetEntireRawContent() +11949368 System.Web.HttpRequest.get_InputStream() +54 proxy.readRequestPostBody(HttpContext context) +30 proxy.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +3180 System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +508 System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +92
So do you have all print requests to your server going through the proxy? Did you define your ArcGIS Server that has the print service in your proxies proxy.config?
I don't have server, everything is through ArcGIS online, i do have a proxy with utility.arcgisonline.com print service. It only does this to one layer the other layers print fine.
I am quite not sure what this error means.
It is probably the fact that that layer is the only one that needs to be proxied due to the complexity. Do you have utility.arcgisonline.com added to your proxies proxy.config?
The layer is not complex at all, it has maybe 1800 polygons. the map of the application only has two layers.
yes i have the following in the proxy.config file.
<serverUrl url="http://utility.arcgisonline.com" username="***" password="***" matchAll="true"/>
And in the WAB apps main config.json do you have the proxy and any rules set?
yes i have the following
"wabVersion": "2.2",
"isTemplateApp": true,
"isWebTier": false,
"httpProxy": {
"useProxy": true,
"alwaysUseProxy": false,
"url": "",
"rules": [{
"urlPrefix": "http://***.maps.arcgis.com/",
"proxyUrl": "http://***.***.***/DotNetProxy2/proxy.ashx"
"urlPrefix": "http://services6.arcgis.com",
"proxyUrl": "http://***.***.***/DotNetProxy2/proxy.ashx"
"urlPrefix": "https://utility.arcgis.com",
"proxyUrl": "http://***.***.***/DotNetProxy2/proxy.ashx"
"urlPrefix": "http://utility.arcgisonline.com",
"proxyUrl": "http://***.***.***/DotNetProxy2/proxy.ashx"
That does not make much sense then. The error you have seem to be what you would expect to see when your proxyurl request has exceeded the max url length.
Are you using v1.1 of the proxy?
Ya i can't make sense of it either.
per the proxy.ashx i am on Version 1.1.1.bata.
After some playing around i was able to get the layer (SubD) to print with out error by adding the layer "SubD" that was already hosted on Arcgis online as just a feature layer by using the "Add Item by Web",which put it into "http://utility.arcgis.com/usrsvcs/servers/9897d777586c4d47a6c5d50fc0b9ad1b/rest/services/SubD/Featur... ". I was able to add the "http://utility.arcgis.com/usrsvcs/servers/9897d777586c4d47a6c5d50fc0b9ad1b/rest/services/SubD/Featur... " to the map. for some reason it did not like it stored in the "http://services6.arcgis.com/885XQwwhV5bcCoLj/arcgis/rest/services/SubD/FeatureServer ". I am lost to why i had to go this route.
From my My Content i clicked on "Add Item from web"
for theType I used "ArcGIS Server web service"
Put my credentials and checked "Store credentials with service item.Do not prompt for authentication"
give it a name and tags
clicked Add Item.
I am trying to understand the error, so what is the max length allowed?
Based on the network is thisthe URL request?