I am creating a custom Widget that is added to a WAB Developer Edition application. I am adding the editor and template widget to a bodyPanel div.
My main widget – GeoCapture gets loaded through the config.json inclusion. The GeoCapture Widget loads a dropdown menu that allows a uses to select what they want to do – 1) Add New Feature 2) Select Existing Feature.
Depending on the menu pick a second widget is created that has the UI for either 1) Add New Feature 2) Select Existing Feature.
For the Add New Feature widget:
1) I create and startup the search widget
2)Create the editor and templatepicker widgets and start the widgets.
I do not get the templatepicker templates displayed after editor and templatepicker widgets have been created (see image).
In the debugging tools for the AddWidget around line 201, I can see that at “featureLayers: templateLayers,” I have layers.
I suspect that the issue is that the editor and template picker are not getting instantiated and are not running widget startup on the map onLoad event. I likely need to do something like this “this.map.on("Load", lang.hitch(this, 'editWidgetCreate'));” to my Add New Feature widget. But I am not sure how to hitch to a separate widget.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I was wondering/fighting something similar, but you are far ahead of me. Newbie question. How did you know how to create a panel div where you could bring the editor and template picker div's in? I was looking to do something similar and i'm just getting started. Any suggestions or references would be very helpful.
The map is long since loaded once your widget is created so you will never get a map.on load event fired inside your widget.
Make a templated widget and load your UI. Look at 'dojo/text!./widget.html','dojo/text!./themes/uiAdd.html','dojo/text!./themes/uiSelect.html', in the require statement. Think of the widget.html as the main html. I then load the different UIs when I load the widgets that I want.
I had to load the editor template during the map load event to get it to work.
I was hopping to be able to hitch the map load event to the Add widget scope but not sure how to do it so I created work around and loadded editor widget during map load event and swap out UIs from view created during load.
here is a snippet of my Widget UI
<div id="MenuNode" data-dojo-attach-point="MenutNode">
<div class="headerPanel">
<tr width="300px">
<td style="padding:10px;">
<font color="white">Step 1. Select Input Method</font>
<div class="bodyPanel" style="height:auto">
<table align="center" style="padding:10px;">
<td style="padding:5px;">
<select data-dojo-type="dijit/form/FilteringSelect" id="fruit" name="fruit" style="" data-dojo-attach-event="onChange:uiSelector">
<option value="Add">Add New Feature</option>
<option value="Select">Select Existing Feature</option>
<option value="Update">Update Features</option>
Hope this helps!
Thank you. This will help. A couple more newb questions if you don't mind. In the JavaScript file you reference the
domConstruct.empty(this.ResultsNode); is this a node that is created by this line of code or is this referring to an HTML element declared in your widget.html file?
And when you say your main widget – "GeoCapture gets loaded through the config.json inclusion.", How can one get information on that?lol.