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Editing an exisiting WAB- Developer App

11-18-2015 05:55 PM
Deactivated User

Hi there,

I was "passed" a physical copy of a web app which was created using WAB-D. The app works just fine but we needed it on a different server. So, I moved it over and it functions as intended. However, now we want to make edits to the app. And honestly, I would really prefer to use the builder rather than attempt coding alterations for these specific items. So, I start up WAB- Developer and choose > Import > Import From Computer. I then browse to the It thinks for a second and then returns "Invalid App".  What am I doing wrong? Is this not the intended functionality?

Notes: The original creator/owner of the app was working within our organizational account as well.

The app was developed using 1.1 and, although I am now using 1.2, I did backtrack and try with WAB-D 1.1

Is there any other way to bring an existing app into WAB for editing?

Thanks in advance,


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   If you have access to 1.1 then import the app into 1.1 and then you can use the upgrade cmd line to upgrade all the 1.1 apps into your 1.2 WAB.

Upgrade apps—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers