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Edit Tool in Web AppBuilder

09-29-2014 06:56 AM
Honored Contributor

It appears that the Edit Tool in a Web AppBuilder map does not work with a feature service from ArcGIS for Server.  A "hosted" feature service from within AGOL works just fine.  Will the final release of WAB allow ArcGIS for Server Feature Service editing?

P.S.  I love the Cut/Split and Union capability in the Edit tools!  Bravo!

16 Replies
Honored Contributor


We use enterprise logins to access AGOL.  We are using SAML/ADFS.  Therefore, Active Directory is our Identity Store.  AD Security Groups are setup on ArcGIS for Server that are then respected in AGOL.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Any else having issues with all of your layers loading in the Edit widget? It only displays the layers that all together make up the width of your screen, so if I were to scroll down in the list of templates (see images below) none would appear past the initial 12 or so layers, which the width of my screen can display without scrolling down. You can see that it doesn't even show the symbology for Culverts. That whole side panel for the Edit widget is buggy.

2014-11-10 16_56_02-ArcGIS Web Application.png2014-11-10 16_56_21-ArcGIS Web Application.png

Frequent Contributor

Interesting, and thanks for posting the workaround @Venus Scott. I did not run into any issue with AGS security running ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1 with AD as identity store. I agree that the editor widget design is far from perfect. I have had most luck with the theme shown below (I think it's called the "foldable" theme.)


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

My issue is odd. I've been back and forth with Esri and they are able to load all of my features in any Edit Widget, but they don't know why I can't. As far as I can tell there are two ways in which you can access a Widget within WAB. One is through the buttons that overlay the map itself, such as these buttons:


These buttons open up a pop-up that is small and if I have my Edit Widget setup through one of these buttons ALL of my 19 features are displayed in it. However, the other way to setup a Widget is in one the tabs in either WAB theme, like this:

tab_theme_widgets.png or    foldable_tab_widgets.png

The pop-up window(panel) with these tabs is set to bigger dimensions by default and the only layers that load for me are those you see in the screenshot in my earlier post. It only displays features that add up to the width of my screen. I've tried dozens of things to fix this. Maybe I can go in and change the size of the feature template symbols displayed in the Edit Widget.

Frequent Contributor

Please keep us informed on any resolution! Very interesting.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I found out that edit feature templates all load for me in a WAB app that started from AGOL, but not in the developer edition. Esri closed the case because the AGOL version works fine for me, not sure what's going to happen in the Developer edition though and I don't know if anyone else but me is encountering this issue. If I want to setup the Edit widget as a tab in a Developer edition WAB app I just have to go into the apps config.json and change the height of the Edit widget window. Not ideal, but its the only way all the features will display. Maybe I should completely re-install Beta 3 on our server.

The Esri support guy also told me this about the final release: 'The final release should be around the release of 10.3, as that's when it will be included in Portal for ArcGIS.  The developers edition will be final as well as the version from ArcGIS Online.' 

Deactivated User

Is anyone else having issues editing feature services that are symbolized using unique values? Only one of my templates works the other two will show up in the edit widget but will not draw and pop up to edit attributes.

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