I want to declare & define the "esri\layers\FeatureLayer" api to "print .js" file in print widget , when i declare the FeatureLayer api , the widget obtain blank in runtime , please can help me to declare & define it without errors .
First the slashes are reversed you have "esri\layers\FeatureLayer" and it should be "esri/layers/FeatureLayer". It would help to show your code also.
@Robert : no, in his code, the slashes are goods.
@Hisham : can you tell us why you want to do that and show us the console ? Maybe wrong order in the define/function !
Since when do backslashes work in a JS require?
Those are showing correctly in the print.js screen shot.
Oh it never worked but if you look in the print_js.png attached you can see that there are only slash and not backslash
OK I did not see the screenshot .
No problem 😃
Hi , I want to edit feature layer in print function , what the order of define function ? , may be this is the wrong
Woh ! Ok, I thougth you were talking about an other issue of the print widget ...
First step, create another widget (something like CustomPrint) but don't touch the print one !
Second step...I can't help you there 'cause I don't know your code and your workflow, but good luck !
(but your define, seems to be good !)