Hello everyone
I am with a problem to load a new module using WAB dijits.
My javascript file is defined like this:
console.log("loading myscrip.js ...");
, 'esri/map'
, 'dojo/dom'
], function (declare, map, dom) {
return declare(null, {
filtrar: function () {
var lryToFilter = map.getLayer("filterparameter");
if (lryToFilter== null) {
console.log("can't filter");
else {
This file is on app/jmu.js folder and refered on index.html at:
<script src="simpleLoader.js "></script>
<script src="init.js "></script>
<script src="jimu.js/myscrip.js"></script>
I am getting the following error:
removed my reply.. i noticed it was not correct
I don't think so cgishack Commas are just in one side.
Here is my Blank Widget.js for the WAB. This should work for you as a sample.
function (BaseWidget,
declare, on, domConstruct, dom, domStyle, query, domClass, domAttr, keys, Memory, fx, win, domGeom)
return declare([BaseWidget], {
baseClass: 'sc-widget-',
name: 'SC-BlankWidget',
constructor: function ()
startup: function ()
alert('hello World')
Also.. I might be confused on what you are doing..
I assumed you were trying to create a new widget. If that is the case you don't load it in the HTML file. You define it in the config.json file
I am confused about this reference
<script src="jimu.js/myscrip.js"></script>
Dear Andrew Timmins my module doesn't have any GUI I would like only to have access to the map to make some layer filterings.
I have a huge ammount of layers and would be a great advance to be able to filter some layers.
You can create an invisible widget by setting "inPanel" to false in the manifest.json file
"copyright": "",
"license": "",
"properties": {
"inPanel": false,
"hasConfig": false,
"hasLocale": false,
Could you tell me how do I refer my new widget in other widget (i.e. LayerListWidget) ?
So you can figure out, my intent is to provide a layer filter functionality as you can see on the image below:
Why not just toggle the layers on and off then?