After many hours researching on how to use custom widgets in AGOL and not getting the definitive answer i am looking for im posting here looking for a "yes this is correct" or a "no its not. here is why.."
To use a custom widget. like eSearch, i need to build a web app in WAB (Dev Edition) that uses the eseach widget. once that is built i can deploy it to my webserver, register in my AGOL account and then i can use widget in AGOL but only in that specified app that is on my websever. there is no way to get the widegt to show up in the widget pool to be used in other web apps?
am i right?
Thank you much
Solved! Go to Solution.
Yes that is correct.
Yes that is correct.
Thank you Robert.
Follow up, once that web app is done , hosted on my web sever and registered to my AGOL account. it is "read only" and it can not be editied or changed unless going back to WAB (Dev Edition) and making changes?
To clear something up for you the app will never be hosted on AGOL. You can only register a link to your web server where your WAB app is hosted. So to edit you just reopen in WAB Dev make your edits and because AGOL is just liked to the app hosted on your web server the change should be available immediately.
Hi Robert, thanks again and thanks for the clarification i'll edit out the hosting bit. Now when you say the changes are immediate that is only after i re-host on my web server, correct?