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adding a custom layout to the print widget

04-19-2023 05:13 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I'm trying to work out how to add a layout that I have created in ArcGIS Pro (3.0) to the drop down list of available layouts in the Web App print widget.


I have a AGOL web map with a number of features on it that is added to the web app that I can turn off and on, and I would like to be able to print maps from this with the legend, scale bar and other dynamic text fields that update based on the current extent and visible layers.

I'm sure this is possible and I have read other questions that reference being able to do this, but I cannot find any instructions on where to start.


Any advice ad direction would be much appreciated.


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1 Reply
Esri Alum


I hope you find this documentation helpful: Print widget—ArcGIS Web AppBuilder | Documentation

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