Generic web appbuilder widgets setting page displays a link to access the help.
However home made widgets do not display such link.
My solution is the following hack :
_help: '<my own help url>', startup: function () { ... dojoQuery(".help-link").forEach(lang.hitch(this, function (node, index) { domStyle.set(node, "display", "inline-block"); domAttr.set(node, "href", this._help); })); }
Any other suggestions welcome.
Ce message a été modifié par : Mathieu VILLEMONT My initial post did not include the hack 😕
I have discussed this with the development team last year at the Dev Summit. that custom widget developers need the ability to add help links to custom widgets. I informed them of the Hack I am having to use in all my widgets.
setConfig:function(config){ //hack the 'Learn more about this widget link' setTimeout(function(){ var helpLink = dojo.query('.help-link'); helpLink[0].href = ''; html.setStyle(helpLink[0],'display','block'); },600);
Indeed because the <a> is there anyway it would be nice to simply set it with a variable instead of hacking the DOM.
Nice help page btw. Did you use a template ? Markdown maybe ?
No I just took what esri had for their widget help docs (at one point in the past) and tweaked it from my needs.