Is anyone else seeing the javascript error Setting.js?wab_dv=2.7:formatted:151 "a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase is not a function"..
The statement is missing "datePattern". It should be a.format.dateFormat.datePattern.toLowerCase()
getFieldInfosFromWebmap: function(a, c) {
var d = null;
(a = c.getLayerInfoByTopLayerId(a)) && (a = a.getPopupInfo()) && a.fieldInfos && (d = k.clone(a.fieldInfos));
d && f.forEach(d, function(a) {
a.format && a.format.dateFormat && a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase() && 0 <= a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf("time") && (a.format.time = !0)
return d
This is breaking my any WebApp that allows edit and has any date in the list of fields. I think it just started happening last night as my app broke without any help from me.
I would also guess this is breaking the map on Collector as it stopped working at the same time. But I can't debug it so I don't even know if it uses the same javascript code base
Have you made changes to the web map recently? Did you make schema changes to any layers the web map is using recently?