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a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase is not a function

02-09-2018 09:21 AM
New Contributor

Is anyone else seeing the javascript error Setting.js?wab_dv=2.7:formatted:151 "a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase is not a function"..

The statement is missing "datePattern". It should be a.format.dateFormat.datePattern.toLowerCase()

getFieldInfosFromWebmap: function(a, c) {
   var d = null;
   (a = c.getLayerInfoByTopLayerId(a)) && (a = a.getPopupInfo()) && a.fieldInfos && (d = k.clone(a.fieldInfos));
     d && f.forEach(d, function(a) {
   a.format && a.format.dateFormat && a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase() && 0 <=    a.format.dateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf("time") && (a.format.time = !0)
return d

This is breaking my any WebApp that allows edit and has any date in the list of fields. I think it just started happening last night as my app broke without any help from me.

I would also guess this is breaking the map on Collector as it stopped working at the same time. But I can't debug it so I don't even know if it uses the same javascript code base

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus


  Have you made changes to the web map recently? Did you make schema changes to any layers the web map is using recently?

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