Query widget in Web App Builder respects filtering on layers in underlying web map

11-05-2015 04:21 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II
I've set up a web map in ArcGIS Online with a filter on one of the layers to only show certain features.  When I use the Query widget in Web App Builder, the results returned by it include features that were filtered out in the original web map (see below).

I can see this creating confusion for users.  Could the Query widget be set up to respect the filtering on the underlying web map?
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Agreed - I just ran in to this today.  In my case I have many layers in a web map that are all referencing the same underlying feature service, each with different filters to display different attributes.  Configuring a search for one layer returns features that are not visible in layer.

A filter or query by location based on another layer would be perfect! E.G. Water wells (point layer) within a county (County layer). zoom to and only show those features. selected points will show up in the attribute table


I wonder if this has been implemented at 2.5 dev edition.


The answer is no. Filters are not honored in the Query Widget at 2.5


Layers filtered by the Filter, Group Filter, and Select widgets are not respected in the Query widget either. The layer being queried is not filtered and also the layer used in a spatial filter to select does not use the selected or filtered features only.