Group Filter Does not Allow Multiple expressions on different fields

10-24-2019 08:22 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor II

Environment: ArcGIS Online Web App Builder.

Problem: The ability to filter multiple groups of layers, each group with different expression on different attribute, with the result be the conjunction or union of all expressions (Like the normal filter).



Group Filter Widget needs to allow filtering based on the union or conjunction of different expressions at the same time (on different fields) like the case in normal filter.

Here's what I'm trying to do.

  • I have crashes layer for which I'm currently doing the visualization. I ended up adding this Crashes layer three times to a map with different visibility scales and different symbology:-

1.     Low Scale (State-scale) Layer with clusters Symbology.


2.     Medium Scale (Town-scale)  Layer with Heatmap symbology

3- High Scale (block-scale) Layer with point location symbology



Group Filter


  • The problem is now “Filtering”. I have two widgets for that: Filter, and group filter.
    1. The group filter widget is the convenient one because I can filter all three layers at once so, the result is filtered over the cluster layer, the heatmap and the points layer.


The result is good.

However, Group filter widget is limited to only one attribute at a time (say, the crash town name or the crash date) and cannot filter more than one attribute on different values at once. The widget also cannot be added multiple times (instances) to the map, only one instance.


I would love to see this function.


I would also love to see this function.


I too would love to see this function!


I also would love to see this function