Viewer for Silverlight related data not visible

10-03-2013 05:51 AM
New Contributor

We created Relationship Class in ArcGIS Catalog.[ATTACH=CONFIG]28000[/ATTACH]
All created relations are visible in ArcGIS Map.[ATTACH=CONFIG]28001[/ATTACH]

We created application in Viewer for Silverlight, with ShowRelatedRecords Tool added in.
After application is created and started, point click triggers pop-up window and main attribute table is shown.
In right corner of pop-up window ShowRelatedRecords Tool icon is shown. If we click on this icon, related data table appears.
Then pop-up window is closed, and after another click on next point, ShowRelatedRecords icon is hidden from pop-up window and we can see only main attribute table.

Does anyone have solution for this problem?
How to adjust query tool to query related tables/records?

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8 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: bangel

Do you have Feature Access enabled in the service properties for the service with related data?
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New Contributor
Yes, Feature Access is enabled.

This is also enabled.

Any other idea?
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: bangel

My bad.  I just reread your post. It works once and then the icon doesn't appear again.  Is this correct?  It's been awhile, but I remember having something like this happen.  My fix was getting the most up-to-date query related data tool online.
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New Contributor III
Did you ever get a resolutio nfor this problem?  I am having the same issue and cannot for the life of me determine a pattern as a work around.  Did you get the latest tool?



Yes, Feature Access is enabled.

This is also enabled.

Any other idea?
Doug Rulison
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: drulison

I just downloaded the latest tool and i get the same results.  It always works on the first attempt, but subsequent attempts do not work, seems to be hit n miss.  I'm even selecting the same record and it does not return the "related records" tool in the popup.


My bad.  I just reread your post. It works once and then the icon doesn't appear again.  Is this correct?  It's been awhile, but I remember having something like this happen.  My fix was getting the most up-to-date query related data tool online.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: gwalt_blm

Count yourself lucky.  With fresh install of Silverlight Viewer 3.1, the related table doesn't open at all.  Get a brief flicker, but nothing more.  As with you, the related tabular data from the feature access service shows up fine in ArcMap.  We have Silverlight v 5.120125.0 installed.  I made sure the web browser pop-up blocker was disabled, but no related attributes ever load.
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New Contributor II
Quick update on my previous post - the feature access service has to allow the Create operation (in addition to Query and Update).  Once I enabled that setting in the feature access service, the related data table opened as expected.
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New Contributor II

Does feature access need to be enabled to make the tool work?? I can't imagine so.  Never had luck with this tool.

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