Zoom with mouse not working

09-04-2014 02:57 AM
New Contributor III


I am using the flex viewer for Year and it is grate, in the past 2 weeks and without any change that I am aware of from my side, the zoom scroll with the mouse doesn't always work, sometime it is working and sometime it is not.

Any ideas?

Thant you,

Roi Algavish

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29 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

I've recently noticed that the scroll zoom stops working sometimes. After just reloading the application it works again. I'm using Google Chrome Version 37.0.2062.103 m (flashplayer

Since it just occurs sometimes I haven't really been able to test any other browser with other flashplayer versions.

I have no solution, just wanted to mention that we also have this issue.

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MVP Emeritus

I guess it is time to bring this to the teams attention then. Bjorn Svensson‌ this is being reported by several people now in Chrome.

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Occasional Contributor II

We are seeing the same thing on several of our computers.  The ctrl work-around does work for us.

Chrome Version 37.0.2062.103 m

Adobe version

Windows 7 64bit SP1

I have the debug version of Adobe: (debug version)

with the same chrome and windows versions, and I have not been able to replicate the issue on my machine.

Jackson Trappett

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Occasional Contributor II

This problem has mysteriously gone away for all of our Chrome browsers and everything is working fine again.  I haven't been able to figure out why it showed up in the first place, nor what fixed it.

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New Contributor III

Our problem has miraculously gone away, too.

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New Contributor III

Hello again,

I have notice that the scroll start to work when you also press the "Ctrl" button on the keyboard (As in regular zoom), and after that it will work anyway. Again can't guaranty 100% but after couple of try's that seems to worked.

Thank you all,


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New Contributor II

I have recently experienced the same issue.  All of our Flex apps will now not respond (zoom) to scroll wheel in Chrome.  This is multiple workstations with the following configuration:

Windows 7 SP1

Chrome 37.0.2062.103

Adobe Flash Player

Apps are on Flex 3.6

I have tried clearing browser history, rebooting, can't re-install Chrome very easily as our workstation environments are locked down from uninstalling/reinstalling.

The holding down the Ctrl button to initialize zoom behaviors did work - but something did change / break recently within Chrome and Flex.


New Contributor II

Our Flex apps are now working also.  In our case, Chrome was updated to 39.0.2171.95

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by Anonymous User
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I am also having an issue with the mouse Wheel Zoom in Chrome.  CTRL key works - but, users of flex will not know to use that key to zoom.  It appears to not work on any initial Tab of Chrome.  After a slight window re-size of the tab or a refresh of the current tab - then, it works for the duration of the Flex session in that tab.  My configuration is similar to the other's above.  I've been trying to code something to do a slight re-size of the tab as a work-around . . . but, it's a little complicated with chrome(maybe impossible).  It must have something to do with a Chrome update.  Anyone that can figure out a work around - it would be much appreciated.

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New Contributor III

I have the same problem and it appeared recently with Google Chrome only. It used to work not long time ago. I have various versions of Flex Viewer and all have same issue. While I was looking for the solution, I found this forum.

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