WMTS - how to use?

11-21-2012 04:27 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all,

I know I will look silly to many of you... I´m stuck with this problem and I just hope someone will help...

My problem is that I´m not able to use WMTS. I know it´s different than WMS - I read about necessity of using proxy page, but I don´t know how to make it work (no idea how proxy page works, how to use it, how to specity the config.xml,...)... So please, can anybody help? (yes, I read the documentation, but it seems it just made a bigger mess in my head)

WMTS I want to use:
Service and Cappabilities

Big thanks for helping!
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Well don't know about proxy page(not sure if you need it too) but what you have to do is extend the TiledMapServiceLayer just like it's done in the sample click
(go to 'Source Code' tab and check the WMTSLayer.as - this class is also included in Flex API Libraries in Samples folder you've downloaded). We've done that for ARS service ARS and it's working nicely. Good luck!

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Esri Regular Contributor
...what you have to do is extend the TiledMapServiceLayer just like it's done in the sample click...

Actually, as of version 3.0 there is also a built-in WMTS Layer in the Viewer (and in the API since version 2.5). So no need to extend the API any more (though you can still do that as well).

In this case, there seem to be some issue with the capabilities file not following the WMTS Specification.  For example, the spec says:
All WMTS servers operating in a procedure oriented architecture style and using HTTP SHALL specify with an ows:Constraint parameter the encodings that MAY be sent using HTTP GET or HTTP POST.

But this capabilities file does not have any ows:Constraint...

Also, since this server does not have a crossdomain.xml file, unless your application is run on the specific domain, you will probably need to set up and use a proxy page.
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Occasional Contributor III
I'm trying to use a WMTS service in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.1.
I assume the server hosting the WMTS does not have a crossdomain-file so I guess I have to use a proxy page.
This proxy page I have to use, is it supposed to work with a proxy page like the one described here: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/flex-api/concepts/index.html#//017p0000000v000000 ?
I've set up the ASP.NET version which seems to work with my ArcGIS Server services, but doesn't make the WMTS work.
Is this proxy made for ArcGIS Server Services only? so I have to customize it or make a new one for the WMTS? And if that's the case, how do I do that?
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