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Relationship ID???s in Map Server

07-02-2013 11:41 AM
Deactivated User
Hi all,

We are working on a custom identify tool for a Flex-based map viewer that can display related data from a map service published using ArcGIS Server 10 SP3. Some of our map services contain 1-M relationships between feature classes and tables (defined by SDE relationship classes) in an Oracle-backed instance of SDE. We are noticing that for map services with relationships the REST relationship ID periodically changes. We have had a hard time pinning down under what conditions the ID is assigned and why it changes. Since the custom identify tool relies on knowing the relationship ID upfront the tool will break when the relationship IDs change.

This is what we want to know from ESRI:
- How does ArcGIS Server and the REST API assign the ID???s to relationships in a map service?
- Is there a way to make the relationship ID???s permanent?

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1 Reply
Deactivated User
I've never noticed the Relate IDs changing by themselves. Are you updating the MXD's at all between the changing? Also, I've noticed Server 10.1 plays much nicer with Relates-involved things. Why are you still on 10.0?
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