Original User: alnesbit
Hello all,
I'm wondering if any of you have a solution for this.
I have line and point data that I'm showing over my basemap. When I'm at full extent all of the data is just one blob. When I zoom in the symbology isn't big enough. So I have started to play around with setting a reference scale in my mxd before I publish it to a service. But it seems that if I set the reference scale so that the data is at a nice size when zoomed at the full extent, then when you zoom in on one of the points the symbol is too big and overlaps with the neighboring data. If I set the reference scale so that the data looks great when you are zoomed all the way in on one point, then you can't even tell there is data on my web map when you are zoomed to the full extent.
How do others handle this? This seems like the age old GIS web map problem and I'm just now running into it...
Thanks in advance,