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Popup box text changing to italics

03-27-2015 10:55 AM
New Contributor

I am having a annoying problem, the pop-up boxes I have from the Header Controller and eSplash widget keeps changing to Italics. This is only happening in Internet Explorer. I clearly have no tags about italic text, nor do I have any in my main config file.  I am using version 3.6 of the flex viewer running on Linux web-servers and using 10.2 REST services.

Does anyone have any ideas? (Beyond the obvious of not using IE)

        <link label="Help and Feedback">
        <content height="240" width="260" closelabel="Return to map">        
            <p align='center''>
                    Help and Feedback:
                    For help on using this viewer, consult the application <a href="help/help_imv.html" target='_blank'></font>help file.</a>
                    National population estimates are from the <a href="" target='_blank'>International Data Base.</a>
                    Address questions and feedback regarding the data and maps to the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Division: <a href=""></a>


1 Reply
New Contributor

My raw code in the header controler widget:



        <link label="Help and Feedback">

        <content height="240" width="260" closelabel="Return to map">       


            <p align='center''>

                    Help and Feedback:



                    For help on using this viewer, consult the application <a href="help/help_imv.html" target='_blank'></font>help file.</a>



                    National population estimates are from the <a href="" target='_blank'>International Data Base.</a>



                    Address questions and feedback regarding the data and maps to the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Division: <a href=""></a>







