How to set the "About" at the right top conner to be blue?

10-03-2011 02:30 PM
New Contributor III
I need to set the "About" at the right top conner to be blue.  In Header ControllerWidget.xml, I use the code as the following:
       <font color="#0099FF"></font>

It seems flex viewer does not have this option.  Can I change the color of "About"? Thanks!
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Occasional Contributor II
I believe it would be something like this:

    <![CDATA[<font color='#0099FF'>About</font>]]>

Not sure if this would work though. The <label> fields may not support character data.
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New Contributor III
Not woking. Thanks a lot!
This label does not have html property. To change it, I have to change all the background color.

I believe it would be something like this:

    <![CDATA[<font color='#0099FF'>About</font>]]>

Not sure if this would work though. The <label> fields may not support character data.
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MVP Emeritus

  Have you looked in the HeaderControllerWidget.mxml code? I'm sure as soon as you look in there you will see the linkBox group which has the label for the about and will be able to figure out how to change the color of the label.
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