I have a flex viewer application running on unix system. The application has a query builder widget feeding the geoprocessing services (with a source map document) published on arcgis server. I am trying to switch the data from file geodatabase to ArcSDE layers (arcsde 9.3.1) on Oracle. However, the widget doesn't return any records once I changed the source to ArcSDE. I tried the steps described in http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgiSDEsktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=Accessing_ArcSDE_data_in_tools But, it didn't work.
I am suspecting something needs to be changed in the configuration file besides the layer names, but I am not quite sure, since the widget is customized so that it will work with oracle/unix system. Attached is the configuration file for the widget when the source is file geodatabase (when it is working). Any ideas/suggestion would be nice.