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General Question on updating eSearch etc widgets -

12-11-2012 07:16 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all - I'm wondering how everyone handles updating the new versions of Robert's helpful widgets.  I have the eSearch and eDraw and eEverything widgets loaded, but have created multiple copies of each that are project specific, each with different xml variables.

Is there a way to see the changes to the new code versus the old, and then just update those areas as opposed to having to re-do the edits to the .xmls and mxmls that I've customized?

Many thanks, Meg
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4 Replies
Regular Contributor

I am sure Robert will be here shortly to post more detailed information, but Robert informed me that by using GitHub to post the code for widgets, other users can then better monitor the changes made to his widgets.

I have not done that yet so I cannot give you much more detail on how GitHub may help.

As for my experience, I too find myself spending hours bringing over my custom code for the widget, but it tends to get easier and easier each time I have done so.  I also do not use every new version Robert releases (shame on me).  Since most of my additional code is project based and not based on improving the widget universally, most of the necessary functions for the tool work well enough for all of my purposes.

Like I said, I am sure Robert will soon post more detailed information.

Chris B.
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MVP Emeritus

   The only thing I can really add to what Chris has posted is that I try to document when a change in the configuration xml has been made. If you do not see that a change was made in the config xml file of the particular widget of intrest then you can just replace the swf file if you are working with the compiled version (if you are working with uncompiled than replace everything BUT the config xml file).
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MVP Notable Contributor
I just keep a separate Word document with the:

1 - change/modification name/info
2 - the code change what/where
3 - the link to the post where I gleaned the info.

I come back to this file again and again as I often want to do the same (or similar) mods to other FlexViewer apps.


Of course, this is mainly to preserve the customizations that I have made.  If no customizations, I just do as Robert suggested above.
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New Contributor III
Rhett - that's what I'm doing too, but it never occured to me to NOT delete the .xml.  So again, thanks to you all for the input - very helpful!
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