Thank you, that takes care of that issue. However, I'm experiencing the same problem with hyperlinking to a UNC file path. I see the exact same behavior that I was seeing with the url, but now I'm trying to hyperlink to a file via UNC path.
For example: file path attribute = \\myserver\fileshare\filename.tif
Results after clicking on hyperlink give me that file path appended to the end of the app url.
the config hyperlink looks like this:
<a href="{FILEPATH}">Image Link</a>
Again, this worked in previous versions of the viewer/api, but not in 3.0. Any ideas?
Thanks again for the solution with the URL.
<a href="file:{FILEPATH}" target='_blank'>Image Link</a>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
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<field name="ONLINE" visible="true"/>
<field name="LAST_UPDATED" visible="true">
<format dateformat="shortDate"/>
<field name="URL" visible="true"/>
<media type="image" caption="Latest Image {LAST_UPDATED} online: {ONLINE}" imagesource="{URL}" imagelink="{URL}"/>
Pop-up configuration file for:
<media type="image" caption="sewer tap {Your_SewerTap_ID_Field}" imagesource="http://yourWebServerURL/YourVirtualDirectory/{hyperlink}" imagelink="http://yourWebServerURL/YourVirtualDirectory/{hyperlink}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<field name="DESCRIPTION" visible="true"/>
<field name="ONLINE" visible="true"/>
<field name="LAST_UPDATED" visible="true">
<format dateformat="shortDate"/>
<field name="URL" visible="true"/>
<![CDATA[<p>Sewer Tap: {DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Online: {ONLINE}</p><p>Last Updated: {LAST_UPDATED}</p><p><a href='http://YOUR_WEB_SERVER/YOUR_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY/{URL}' target='_blank'>View PDF</a></p>]]>
Pop-up configuration file for: