I am in the process of migrating my modifications from 2.1 to 2.2, and for every code module and configuration file I wonder if there are any changes at all to the new version. If I knew there were no changes I could just use my previous file, but I'm going through the tedious process of finding all my modifications and editing them into the new files.
At the risk of asking too much, would it be too difficult to put a date and/or version number in each file (.xml, .mxml, .as) so we could save some time with the migration? Or perhaps provide a list of changed or unchanged files (whichever is easier)?
What I would really like is just a very simple wizard that does the migration similar to a normal software update. Many of us that are using the Flex Viewer are newbies to programming and are not very comfortable constantly making changes to xml files. bjorn suggested we just copy the old xml into the new but how do I know what exactly to copy?
Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner
City of Arkansas City