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Flex API newbie question

02-01-2011 06:32 AM
New Contributor

I am researching the ESRI Flex API for possible inclusion in a larger project. I have a simple question (for starters).

Can I read and render a shapefile off my local file system, rather than incorporating a server such as MapGuide?

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Esri Regular Contributor
No, the Flex API doesn't support reading shapefiles. 

In addition, any browser application will generally not be able to read files directly from your local file system (for security reasons).

However, I think some people have extended the API with custom code to read shape files, but the shape files still need to be on a web server (or uploaded).  Alternatively, you can (with the Flex API) use an Adobe AIR application (which works more like a desktop application) to be able to read local files.  However, you would still need some custom code to read the shapefiles.
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