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Export Map Widget

10-19-2010 06:47 AM
Deactivated User
Another great widget from Robert which is much appreciated.

I would like to fire off the widget from the toolbar instead of the current lower left position.
I edited the config.xml to place the widget in the toolbar but as expected, when you click on it the widget appears in the lower left and you have to click on it again to run it.

What code changes would be needed to just fire it from the toolbar?

Thanks again Robert.

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37 Replies
Emerging Contributor
That worked like a charm.

I kind of like the placement of the export button where it was so I bumped the Navigation over just slightly so it interferes much less. Problem solved.


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Deactivated User
Sorry to jump into this so late - but can you provide a link to this widget?  I'm having a hard time finding it!

Many thanks,

<<< EDIT:  Found it... the v2.5 widget is linked on the v3.0 widget page >>>

Another great widget from Robert which is much appreciated.

I would like to fire off the widget from the toolbar instead of the current lower left position.
I edited the config.xml to place the widget in the toolbar but as expected, when you click on it the widget appears in the lower left and you have to click on it again to run it.

What code changes would be needed to just fire it from the toolbar?

Thanks again Robert.

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Deactivated User

This is a great widget. Just wondering is it possible to have this widget open, close and minimise like the legend widget for example. And also contain an interface, such as map title, map layout options and include map attribute layers?

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MVP Emeritus

   As this widget is very simple it does not have user interface and thus no need for a open close and minimize.
contain an interface, such as map title, map layout options and include map attribute layers
No that is more like a print widget and this widget is only for exporting the map as a image.
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Deactivated User

Here's to hoping you might see this forum.  I am still having issues implementing the widget even after reading the help file.

here is what my config file looks like and I have dropped compiled folder into application widget folder....

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <title>ArcGIS Viewer for Flex</title>
    <!-- replace the following url with your own geometryservice -->
    <geometryservice url="" useproxy="false"/>
    <widgetcontainer layout="float">
        <widget icon="assets/images/i_target.png" label="Find an address" config="widgets/Locate/LocateWidget.xml" url="widgets/Locate/LocateWidget.swf"/>
        <widget icon="assets/images/i_draw2.png" label="Draw and Measure" config="widgets/Draw/DrawWidget.xml" url="widgets/Draw/DrawWidget.swf"/>
        <widget icon="assets/images/i_print.png" label="Print" config="widgets/Print/PrintWidget.xml" url="widgets/Print/PrintWidget.swf"/>
    <widget url="widgets/Navigation/NavigationWidget.swf" config="widgets/Navigation/NavigationWidget.xml" left="10" top="50"/>
    <widget url="widgets/OverviewMap/OverviewMapWidget.swf" config="widgets/OverviewMap/OverviewMapWidget.xml" right="-2" bottom="-2"/>
    <widget url="widgets/MapSwitcher/MapSwitcherWidget.swf" config="widgets/MapSwitcher/MapSwitcherWidget.xml" right="20" top="55"/>
    <widget url="widgets/HeaderController/HeaderControllerWidget.swf" config="widgets/HeaderController/HeaderControllerWidget.xml" left="0" top="0"/>
    <widget url="widgets/ExportMap/exportMap.swf" config="widgets/ExportMap/exportMap.xml" left="3" bottom="45"/>
    <map esrilogovisible="true" openhandcursorvisible="true" scalebarvisible="true" zoomslidervisible="false" wraparound180="true" addarcgisbasemaps="true" top="40"/>

What am I missing?

Thanks in Advance....
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MVP Emeritus

   You mean the contents of the compiled_FV3.0 folder (i.e. the ExportMap folder) into the widgets folder right?
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Deactivated User
Do I add the exportmap folder w/in the compiled 3.0 folder or the complied 3.0 folder itself to the widgets folder?
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MVP Emeritus

   The  ExportMap folder NOT the whole compiled_FV3.0 folder.
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Deactivated User
Ok, Ive done that.  Now where exactly do I edit the config file?
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