Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part III

04-30-2013 03:58 PM
MVP Emeritus

   Here is a new thread to post questions and discuss the Enhanched Search Widget. The old thread was getting too long.
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776 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   Here is the xml configuration for the sample layer you mentioned:

                <expression alias="Road Name and Zip" textsearchlabel="Search by Road Name and Left Zipcode and Right Zip:" isvaluerequired="true">
                        <value prompt="Example: ANDREW" isvaluerequired="false">RD_NAME = '[value]'</value>
                        <value prompt="Example: 36201" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">ZIP_L = [value]</value>
                        <value prompt="Example: 36201" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">ZIP_R = [value]</value>
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MVP Emeritus

when i add the url to showdatagrid i get error #1010
What in the world do you mean?... There is no  showdatagrid tag in the XML...
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New Contributor II

   In the next release you will be able to specify the Text Qualifier in the eSearchWidget.xml and this would allow you to use a single quote instead of a double and that would help for your data having the double quote in it for inches.

Thank you Robert.  When do you anticipate that release?
i am having another quirky thing happening.  I have a field Material that i could not get to run the query and i finally added the quotes to the value and it runs and it is definatley a text field
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New Contributor II
Thank you Robert.  When do you anticipate that release?
i am having another quirky thing happening.  I have a field Material that i could not get to run the query and i finally added the quotes to the value and it runs and it is definatley a text field

omg am i backwards?  numbers get the quotes or text gets the quotes?
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MVP Emeritus

  I don't have an estimated time as I will not be releasing a new version for one small change, I will wait till I have other changes that I determine are significant enough to warrant a new version. What you mean by
i finally added the quotes to the value and it runs and it is definitely a text field                        
String field always need single quotes in the Query Expression.
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New Contributor II
omg am i backwards?  numbers get the quotes or text gets the quotes?

so yeah ..........  SORRY I was doing them backwards,  I'm a dork.  Sorry to bother
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New Contributor
I am using the latest compiled eSearch version widget 3.3.1 in a new ArcGIS API 3.3 for Flex site and I am experiencing different results with my searches than when using the previous eSearch version 3.0.4 in an ArcGIS API 3.0 for Flex site.  When I search for a polygon or point feature that returns enough points to zoom out to a scale threshold that the feature is not displayed at, the selected features are not showing up on my map.  The search results window or the data grid will display the attributes of the features found and you can mouse thru the data and the tooltip window will move around on the map, but not until you zoom in to the scale threshold of the feature you searched on will they be displayed.
              Is there something that I missed in upgrading my site and widget to the latest version?  In version 3.0.4, when you would search for these same features they would be displayed on the map at any scale beyond the scale threshold that was set on the feature and I am looking for that same functionality so users will see the results immediately without having to zoom in to the scale dependency of that feature.  Thanks, and any help would be appreciated.
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks Robert - I have discovered the problem - I was capitalising the V and R in isValueRequired.  In the downloaded example eSearchWidget.xml the config item is written that way but when I make it all lower case as per the text you sent it works fine.

Thanks for your quick reply.

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New Contributor II
I am using the latest compiled eSearch version widget 3.3.1 in a new ArcGIS API 3.3 for Flex site and I am experiencing different results with my searches than when using the previous eSearch version 3.0.4 in an ArcGIS API 3.0 for Flex site.  When I search for a polygon or point feature that returns enough points to zoom out to a scale threshold that the feature is not displayed at, the selected features are not showing up on my map.  The search results window or the data grid will display the attributes of the features found and you can mouse thru the data and the tooltip window will move around on the map, but not until you zoom in to the scale threshold of the feature you searched on will they be displayed.
              Is there something that I missed in upgrading my site and widget to the latest version?  In version 3.0.4, when you would search for these same features they would be displayed on the map at any scale beyond the scale threshold that was set on the feature and I am looking for that same functionality so users will see the results immediately without having to zoom in to the scale dependency of that feature.  Thanks, and any help would be appreciated.

I am having this same issue.  Did you find a solution?
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New Contributor II
Robert, do i need to set  <geometryservice>http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer</geometryservice> to my own Geometry service or can i use this one?
Also do i need to set this  <spatialreference>102003</spatialreference> to my own wkid which is 3418??
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