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Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part II

04-19-2012 08:03 AM
MVP Emeritus

   I am pleased to announce the next release of my eSearch Widget.

Version - 4/19/2012
* Added ability to search (flat/standalone/no geometry) tables.
* This time all Zooming uses the same scaling (popup, datagrid, widget results, zoom to all).
* Added Relates icon/button to datagrids so that you can click on it in the datagrid to
  open relates choice dialog.
* Move all skins to a skins package for cleaner organization.
* Links that are not associated with a field now work.
* Ability to disable the relates tab in the fixed widget is now configurable.
552 Replies
MVP Emeritus

  What version are you seeing the double field behavior issue in? I just tested in version and did not see the behavior you are describing.
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Next Major release now available.

Please read and understand that,

Version 2.9.0 - 6/5/2012
* Added multi-field search expression capability.
* Added attachment support for popups.
* Added multi-field hyperlinks capability.
* When URL Search is performed the GUI reflects the that search criteria.
* Fixed an issue with open SQL URL searches.
* Added link icon tooltip.
* Fixed issue with relate fixed datagrid hyperlinks.
* Fixed issue with interaction with point buffer widget.
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Regular Contributor
I'm converting to eSearch Widget 2.9.0 and switching my "Links" over to the new format. The previous version allowed hiding the linked URL address by including "includeinresults="false" in the link section.  I don't see mention of it in the new documentation.  Is it still supported?
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Regular Contributor
Found the answer to my previous question about link field display.  New Problem: The format for tables appear to be the same as before ( however my table doesn't show up in the drop-down list, just my spatial layers.  Obviously there is some change I am missing.  Below is the table script:
             <expression alias="Advisory Group" textsearchlabel="Search by Advisory Group Acronym [ Example: RSAG ]:"
                 UPSAG">AdvisGrpAcronym = '[value]'</expression>
             <expression alias="Research Approach" textsearchlabel="Search by Research Approach [ Example: Effectiveness Monitoring]:"
             Effectiveness Monitoring,
             Extensive Status and Trends Monitoring,
             Rule Implementation Tool Development" >ResearchApproach = '[value]'</expression>
             <expression alias="Rule Group"  textsearchlabel="Search by Rule Group [Example: Type F Riparian]:"
     Type F Riparian,
     Type N Riparian,
     Unstable Slopes,
     Forest Roads,
     Water Typing,
     Other" >RuleGroupName = '[value]'</expression>
    <expression alias="Study Topic"  textsearchlabel="Search by Study Topic [Example: Water Typing]:"
     Riparian Vegetation,
     Riparain Vegetation DFC Model,
     Riparian vegetation/Functions/Management,
     Riparian Vegetation Field Check,
     Riparian Zone Silviculture and Economics,
     Roads; Sediment/Erosion,
     Site Selection,
     Stream Temperature,
     Stream Temperature Model,
     Unstable Slopes,
     Water Typing" >Study_Topic = '[value]'</expression>
    <expression alias="Region Name"  textsearchlabel="Search by Region Name [Example: Eastern WA]:"
     Eastern WA,
     Western WA,
     Statewide" >RegionName = '[value]'</expression>
             <expression alias="Project Phase"  textsearchlabel="Search by Project Phase [Example: Scoping]:"
     Results" >ProjPhase = '[value]'</expression>
   <fields all="false">
    <field name="Proj_Name" alias="Project Name" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="AdvisGrpAcronym" alias="Advisory Group" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="AdvisScienceGroup" alias="Advisory Science Group" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="ResearchApproach" alias="Research Approach" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="RuleGroupName" alias="Rule Group Name" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="Study_Topic" alias="Study Topic" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="RegionName" alias="Region Name" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="ProjPhase" alias="Project Phase" gridfield="true"/>
    <field name="LnkTarget" alias="Document Link" hyperlinkgridfield="true" hyperlinkaliastext="Document Link"/>
    <link includeinresults="false" field="LnkTarget" alias="Document Link">
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

    No the table structure is the same as the new layer structure

                <expression alias="Agree with incident" textsearchlabel="Search Incidents that are agreed to:">
                        <value prompt="Example: True" field="agree_with_incident" usedomain="true">agree_with_incident = [value]</value>
                <expression alias="Incident date" textsearchlabel="Search Incidents on or after date:">
                        <value prompt="Example: 2012/04/16">datetime >= '[value] 00:00:00'</value>

I see that I neglected to update the example in the documentation and I need to update the code for table links to the new structure as well.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the great widget.

My question: Is it possible that spreadsheets have auto hide function?
For example: when I do not use eSearch - The table is hidden; When used search - Table popoup to go ...

I use the latest version FV2.5compiled

Thank You
Edin Z.
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

   There are two flavors of the DataGrid a Fixed version (which it seems you are reffering to) and a float version that is movable and closeable. You should look at the floating datagrid. I will not be adding a autohide feature to the Fixed Datagrid.
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Emerging Contributor

   There are two flavors of the DataGrid a Fixed version (which it seems you are reffering to) and a float version that is movable and closeable. You should look at the floating datagrid. I will not be adding a autohide feature to the Fixed Datagrid.


My question is related to SearchWidgetFixedDG...

I thought to use more space for the application, with the option autohide I got it.

OK, anyway Thanks for your reply.

Edin Z.
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Regular Contributor
Loaded the 3.0 version.  With Tables having the same structure as Layers (in the xml), the widget would not open.  If I disable tables, the widget works fine (Layers only active).  If I use the old format for Tables, the widget opens, but the tables are not present in the widget.  Is 3.0 a recompiled version of 2.9.0?  Thanks for the help.
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MVP Emeritus

   The 3.0 version is the 2.9.0 version with the table links fixed. Have you looked at the example SearchWidget.xml that comes in the download? Are you using the compiled version?
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