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Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part II

04-19-2012 08:03 AM
MVP Emeritus

   I am pleased to announce the next release of my eSearch Widget.

Version - 4/19/2012
* Added ability to search (flat/standalone/no geometry) tables.
* This time all Zooming uses the same scaling (popup, datagrid, widget results, zoom to all).
* Added Relates icon/button to datagrids so that you can click on it in the datagrid to
  open relates choice dialog.
* Move all skins to a skins package for cleaner organization.
* Links that are not associated with a field now work.
* Ability to disable the relates tab in the fixed widget is now configurable.
552 Replies
MVP Emeritus

  It should work with the caveat that the linkprefix and linksuffix will also appear in the hyperlinkaliastext if you use the same field.
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Deactivated User
Wondering if it is possible to make eSearch widget honor autoswitchtoscale when you click on the results and it zooms in?  When I reach autoswitchtoscale by using navigation of scroll button (outside eSeach), I realize the correct autoswitchtoscale layer (like topo to imagery).  However, when I click on a result from the eSearch tool at the Topo basemap level and it zooms to the autoswitchtoscale level, the switch does not occur.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Robert,

I am using the compiled Enhanced Search Widget under Flex3.1 and it's awesome !

I am wondering if it's possible to format the search results and item popup such that the field names and data elements have justification ?

i.e have the field names and data elements justified such that they appear in a table-like format ?

County: Montgomery
Population: 1424323
State: MD

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MVP Emeritus

   The autoswitchtoscale is working fine for me when clicking on a esearch result. do you have the eMapSwitcher widget in the main config xml as well as the eSearch Widget?
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MVP Emeritus

   I will consider it as a possible enhancement to the 3.2 series of this widget.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Ry and Anthony!

I have a similar problem but with a related (not join) table. I need to perform esearch over related data (relationshipclass 1-M at oracle geodatabase) returning/highlighting  the features that match search criteria. So, any progresses or tips?

Or is it simply not possible?  I am not an expert in programing I do need help on this one!

Thanks a lot

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MVP Emeritus

   Searching a related table is supported but it is not currently supported to select the related features in the map for the table that is searched. This enhancement is being looked at though.
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Emerging Contributor

   I will consider it as a possible enhancement to the 3.2 series of this widget.


Great, thanks ! It must be a labor of love for you and we appreciate how much work has gone into it.

I had a second question :-

Is it possible to disable the "popup bubble" that appears over the selected feature when a mouse hover is over the results ?

I like the feature being highlighted but would like to surpress the bubble.

Possible via config or is this a code change ?


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MVP Emeritus

Yes there is a tag for that in the eSearchWidget.xml

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Occasional Contributor

   Searching a related table is supported but it is not currently supported to select the related features in the map for the table that is searched. This enhancement is being looked at though.

Searching a related table and highlighting the related features on the map is the MOST WANTED improvement that I am eagerly looking forward to (for me and i believe for others who work with large property parcel datasets where having all the attributes of the parcel in a separate table helps a lot with the performance of map drawing but also needed to do the queries on). I am checking the forum everyday to see if Robert will give us this present one day 🙂

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