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Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part II

04-19-2012 08:03 AM
MVP Emeritus

   I am pleased to announce the next release of my eSearch Widget.

Version - 4/19/2012
* Added ability to search (flat/standalone/no geometry) tables.
* This time all Zooming uses the same scaling (popup, datagrid, widget results, zoom to all).
* Added Relates icon/button to datagrids so that you can click on it in the datagrid to
  open relates choice dialog.
* Move all skins to a skins package for cleaner organization.
* Links that are not associated with a field now work.
* Ability to disable the relates tab in the fixed widget is now configurable.
552 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor
Looked around some trying to figure it out.

What mxml would that be controlled in?

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MVP Emeritus

   It is a bunch of places in the eSearchWidget.mxml.

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New Contributor II
I get this error: error #1009 when trying to search with this expression:
<expression alias="Polígono, Parcela, Recinto" textsearchlabel="">
    <value prompt="Polígono: (ej. 19)">POLIGONO = [value]</value>
   <value prompt="Parcela: (ej. 111)">AND PARCELA = [value]</value>
   <value prompt="Recinto: (ej. 9)">AND RECINTO = [value]</value>

Please note that all the fields are numeric. I also tried a simpler search expressión with only one condition:
<expression alias="Polígono, Parcela, Recinto" textsearchlabel="">
   <value prompt="Polígono: (ej. 19)">POLIGONO = [value]</value>

The result was the same: error #1009. No matter if you populate all the textboxes or not. Always get error.

I also saw a different behaviour depending of the data type of numeric fields. In the case of the simple expression POLIGONO = [value] if the field is Long Integer I get this error:

[RPC Fault faultString="Unable to complete operation." faultCode="400" faultDetal="Unable to complete Query operation."]

However, if the field is type Double, the search is executed without problems. Is someone else finding this problems with this numeric data types?

Thanks for your help.
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MVP Emeritus

   With your multifield expression you need to be sure to add a space in frontt of each and (as I have in my examples) or your expression will be submitted looking like this to the server: POLIGONO = 12AND PARCELA =34AND RECINTO = 3 instead of POLIGONO = 12 AND PARCELA =34 AND RECINTO = 3. So my next question is are all three fields numeric? If not then you need single quotes for strings. I will do some testing on a long field type today.

UPDATE* I have tested a LONG type field and had no issue with the search.
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New Contributor II
Yes, Robert, all the fields are numeric. I did test with the space and without space, and always get the same error. In fact, the expression works with and without the refered space before the AND operators whenever the fields involved are type double. When I include the search in a LONG INTEGER is when I get the error.

If I have 4 fields: municipio (long integer), poligono (double), parcela (double), recinto (double). All my expressions work perfectly with all the conbinations of the double fields. Several multifield searches works without problems. However, the simplest expression across the long integer field produces the error (even if isn't a multifield expression). That is, it works perfectly until I include a long integer field.

I will do more testing but I am running out of options...
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MVP Emeritus

   What version of ArcGIS Server and What service pack are you using? I recall esri had an issue with some field types that was resolved in a service pack.
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New Contributor II
ArcGIS Server 10.0 and in that server I have applied only SP3
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MVP Emeritus

   Yep, I would get up to SP 4 or 5, 4 is what I am running and I tested a long int and it worked fine.
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New Contributor

Version 3.0.7 is just what I need, Great, Thanks..., Respect...

Edin Z.
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MVP Notable Contributor

I have the 3.0.7 version (love the Alt/click option BTW) running now.

I have a table joined to a polygon dataset, select to show only matching values, then publish to service.

I then have the esearch searching the polygon data, and returning to the grid values from the polygon data as well as from the joined fields.

Everything seems to be working fine unless I try any kind of sort.  If I have this in the code
I will get the error.  If I have no sort tag in my field, then everything is working fine unless I click on a column heading to make it sort, then I again get the error.


Have also noticed that once I try to sort and get the error, any time I hover over the resultsState on the widget I get a similar error:


Do not get this error on hover or click of either DG, but only on the resutState window.

Also, can not reproduce on dataset without joined fields.

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