So I am sorry to say that I still am unable to see the issue you are seeing.
Here is my test steps:
- disabled text,spatial buttons (I don't think the visible="false" setting on the spark checkbox is significant for this test).
- set multipartgraphicsearch = false
- set the URL search to search with no slayer or exprnum set.
- I choose a graphical selection tool and selected some features without changing the search layer.
and it all works fine.
If you are talking about adding geocode service capability (i.e. locator widget type functionality) into this widget then I would have to say probably not going to happen. I am attempting to maintain the true intent of this widget (a search widget). The code base for this widget is already larger than any publicly available widget out there and is getting hard to test all of the different configuration possibilities that currently exist. I am in the process of developing an Enhanced Locator widget that I could make to have a tie in with the eSearch, like I do with the eDraw and Point Buffer Widget. If you are looking for the ability to locate and address and then use the eSearch to search based on that location point, then that is a possibility.
<name>Locator</name> <url>http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Locators/ESRI_Places_World/GeocodeServer</url> <expressions> <expression alias="Locator" textsearchlabel="Enter 2 Digit State Abbreviation:"> <values> <value prompt="Example: AZ" isvaluerequired="false" field="status" usedomain="true" autosubmit="false">State_Abbr = '[value]'</value> </values> </expression> </expressions>
test.PLOT IN ('[value]')and
esearch=7SFG,I-27Notice I removed the need to have the commas surrounded by single quotes. If you are using a IN SQL statement in the widgets GUI than it does not matter if the user wraps their entries in single quotes or not as the code will handle it either way.
As I mentioned in my earlier post the Enhanced Search Widget is a search widget not a Geocode widget, thus it does not support the use of a GeocodeServer url as that would need to a completely different base task from the API to be used. The eSearch uses the QueryTask and not a Locator task under the hood. To reiterate my other post again, I have no plans to add locator capabilities to this widget. I will be looking at integration of the using locator results (from a locator widget) to perform a search.
<layer> <token/> <definitionexpression></definitionexpression> <enableexport>true</enableexport> <name>Louisville Zoning</name> <url>http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Louisville/LOJIC_LandRecords_Louisville/MapServer/2</url> <expressions> <expression alias="Zoning Type" textsearchlabel="Search Zoning Type:" isvaluerequired="true"> <values> <value prompt="Example: OR1" uniquevalsfromfield="ZONING_CODE" isvaluerequired="true" autosubmit="false">ZONING_CODE = '[value]'</value> <value prompt="Example: RESIDENTIAL" uniquevalsfromfield="ZONING_TYPE" isvaluerequired="false" autosubmit="false" operator="AND">ZONING_TYPE = '[value]'</value> </values> </expression> <expression alias="Zoning Code" textsearchlabel="Search Zoning:" isvaluerequired="true"> <values> <value prompt="Example: OR1" userlist="OR1,C2,OTF,all" >ZONING_CODE = '[value]'</value> <value prompt="Example: OFFICE" operator="AND">ZONING_TYPE = '[value]'</value> </values> </expression> <expression alias="Zoning Name" textsearchlabel="Search Zoning Name [ Example: RES MULTI-FAMILY ]:"> <values> <value prompt="Example: RES MULTI-FAMILY" isvaluerequired="true">upper(ZONING_NAME) LIKE upper('%[value]%')</value> </values> </expression> <expression alias="Multiple Zoning Name" textsearchlabel="Search Zoning Name [ Example: RES MULTI-FAMILY ]:"> <values> <value prompt="Example: COMMERCIAL,COMM MANUFACTURING" isvaluerequired="true">ZONING_NAME IN ('[value]')</value> </values> </expression> <expression alias="Open SQL" textsearchlabel="Search by Typing Full SQL:"> <values> <value prompt="Example: ZONING_NAME = 'COMM MANUFACTURING' AND ZONING_TYPE = 'COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL'">[value]</value> </values> </expression> </expressions> <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Zoning</graphicalsearchlabel> <spatialsearchlayer>false</spatialsearchlayer> <titlefield>ZONING_NAME</titlefield> <fields all="true" /> <links/> <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="2"></zoomscale> <autoopendatagrid>false</autoopendatagrid> <queryattachments>false</queryattachments> <relates/> <symbology> <simplefillsymbol color="0xff0000" alpha="0.5"> <outline color="0xff0000" alpha="0.8" width="2" /> </simplefillsymbol> </symbology> </layer>