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Coordinates in locate widget

04-02-2012 11:44 AM
Deactivated User
I am using the Locate Widget in the compiled Flex Viewer. I am using LocateWidget_World.xml. When I open the widget and go to the 'Coordinates' tab there are default coordinates there (-77.03655, 38.89767). These coordinates are not within my study area, so I would like to change the default coordinates. I don't see these coordinates specified in the LocateWidget_World.xml. Is there some place else to change these default coordinates for the compiled viewer?
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
I am using the Locate Widget in the compiled Flex Viewer. I am using LocateWidget_World.xml. When I open the widget and go to the 'Coordinates' tab there are default coordinates there (-77.03655, 38.89767). These coordinates are not within my study area, so I would like to change the default coordinates. I don't see these coordinates specified in the LocateWidget_World.xml. Is there some place else to change these default coordinates for the compiled viewer?

In your config file for the locate widget, you can add..



Zahid Chaudhry
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Got it. What I was looking for is actually the tags below, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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