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Are you saying that you want District 1 to display on top of one or the other of the basemaps you have listed? Or are you saying that you want District 1 to act like a basemap and have a button in the map switcher?
What's the projection of your basemap?
If it is using Web Mercator like the ArcGIS Onlines ones? If so, it should work.
The district 1 layer is on Web Mercator projection as well. Thank you.
Here is the code for basemaps:
<layer label="District 1" type="dynamic" visible="true"
<layer label="Aerial" type="tiled" visible="false"
<layer label="Topo" type="tiled" visible="false"
Jan is on the right track but you do not have to make it a tiled layer to use it as a basemap or =have it work with the other esri basemaps. Your issue is that you have it as the first basemap in your list and there for is the layer that defines the maps LODs and spatial reference. If you more it to the last layer listed than it should work fine as then the first basemap will be a tiled layer and the map will get the LODs from that layer.
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