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Autocomplete search box

01-12-2011 04:13 AM
New Contributor III

I've just uploaded my AutocompleteSearch widget to - but

I would like it to iterate through multible url's and add the features in each url to the dropdownbox, but i can't get it to do just that.

If anybody has any idea as to how i could solve this, i'll be happy to hear about it.

Mads Gren
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36 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor
Just checked the link and is working fine for me.  I'm using IE8, know that sometimes the browser causes "download" issues.


perhaps you saw the "Open" button is greyed out.  Scroll down and click the "Download" link near the bottom.
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Occasional Contributor
Firefox works not IE!  Thank you.
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New Contributor
Please, can someone rebuild it for FV 3.1 version?
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New Contributor
It is FV3.2 now.
This widget is much better for me than standard search, here I get all list of mached adresses. Can somone recompile it?
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New Contributor III
Under your Service you created on ARCGIS Server there is a spot that you can change the maximum number of records returned by the server. I think the default is like 1500. If you change this to the be greater than your number of records you can get everything back. Of course there is going to some delay before the autocomplete loads. Below is a picture on where you can find this setting.


Hope this help you in your problem.

Tried this, and still I only get 500 records returned. Where else might we need to change the max value of records returned in the code?  Looking forward to the 3.2 version of this!
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Frequent Contributor II
The search box in the header control widget has an autocomplete function built in at 3.2, see:


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New Contributor
I have seen some kind of autocomplite in headcontroller, however it gives only 6 objects in a list what is not enough for me. I have quite a lot of adresses and other objects that have long name (~15-25 symbols) and it is much easier to see full list and click on needed one than type exact name. In addition sometime I don't know exact name so I need again to see full list of mached objects.

Reading the documentation is very useful. Havo found <maxlocations> tag. Solved!
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