Parcel Area Based Metrics

07-28-2022 01:09 PM
Status: In Product Plan
New Contributor II

I want to run metrics that tell me how much land coverage I have on each parcel after its developed. In fact I want to run a bunch of metrics off of the parcel area. The problem is that I only have the net built area to build off of in the metric dependencies. I added a metric that pulls from the parcel data that works to a point. When I develop or demolish a parcel it drops the existing parcel area. That doesn't make sense. Building a building wouldn't cause the land to disappear or change in any way. 

Before development I have a parcel area value but no resulting metrics because its not developed.

When its developed though it drops the existing value and my formula breaks.


How do you run metrics off of the parcel area?



Hi @GennieGonzalez ,

You are right. Currently, we only calculate metrics from the net space use area of developments. My understanding is that you want to know the area of the parcel that hasn't been built after proposing a building, and for this parcel area would be required. Is this only for reporting purposes or would this support other workflows that you are trying to complete? If so, could you describe these workflows?

For the moment, I'll create a ticket for this request, but any additional information you can provide will be useful.




It would indeed support other workflows. We are most interested in calculating the value of the land before and after development. There are quite a few metrics we'd like to run based on the parcel area as well such as dwelling unit density per acre. We could also calculate site coverage and open space. Here is a screenshot from the metric builder where we tried to patch it together. 


Thank you.



I moved this post from ArcGIS Urban Questions to "Ideas" to make sure that we can follow up on this feature request about using the parcel area in metrics. Let me or Silvia know if you still have questions on this topic.



Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: In Product Plan