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ArcGIS Urban - Improved Drawing Tools

10-27-2021 01:50 AM
Occasional Contributor

The drawing tool in Urban allows to draw right angles, which is a good thing. But there is no feedback on the length of an edge. If you want us to use Urban also to sketch building footprints, we need to have the option to type in the length of the edge  (similar to the CityEngine drawing tool). Otherwise we will need to sketch building footprints in another Software (CAD, CityEngine etc.) and then import into Urban. But this approach is more cumbersome and will not allow to change designs quickly during workshops as it needs much more time.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thanks @BrunoSeiler for this idea.

I can think of several possibilities to support your request:

  1. Show the dimensions while sketching (e.g. with labels).
  2. Support snapping to certain dimensions (e.g. to full meters).
  3. Ability to input exact length dimensions.

Which option would support your workflow the best? Do you need to input exact dimensions or would showing a label work as well? Maybe you have other ideas?




Thanks for your reply!

Showing the dimensions with a label would already be a big improvement and the option of snapping to either full meters or full decimeters an additional plus. Ideally the user would have the option to change the snapping dimension (the options 'no snapping', 'meters', 'decimeters' would work for us), if that's not possible I would opt for decimeters as default.

In theory 😉 these two features would pretty much cover our needs and the third option (input exact length dimensions) would not be needed anymore.

Thanks again,



Thank you @BrunoSeiler for the additional information. We will take this into consideration. 


In addition to these ideas, I would propose:

1) Ability to see measurement while drawing, or save measurements to use later as a reference guide while drawing.

2) Ability to edit parcels by vertex after being created. Currently vertex points can only be adjusted when a parcel is being drawn.





Hi @BrunoSeiler ,

Just a quick update on this topic: 

The October 2022 release of Urban now provides numerical feedback as you draw new or edit existing geometries. 

Snapping to full meters/decimeters while editing is not supported yet, though. We are well aware that this is also an important requirement for the overall drawing experience in Urban.

The editing & drawing experience in ArcGIS Urban relies on the work of other teams within Esri. We are in close contact with those teams to have the basis for the next improvement steps ready as soon as possible. 





@BrunoSeiler , with the June 2024 update of ArcGIS Urban, you can now input exact dimensions for polygon edge length and deflection when creating new features. 

In the near future, you'll also be able to input exact dimensions when editing previously created polygons. 


@DominikAllemann great news, thanks!