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Understanding Elections

12-21-2022 08:21 PM
Esri Contributor
1 1 697

The 2022 midterm elections has resulted in several House and Senate seats flipping, as well as, a couple of run-off elections. These changes have many Americans wondering, "What is happening right now?" and "Why is it important?"'. This election season, let's use GIS resources to understand "What is going?", "Why it matters?", and "Who is affected?".

We strive for fair and just elections, but how can we overcome voter suppression tactics that have been both documented, utilized, and ingrained in our democracy? In order to move forward we must understand the history and implications of Redistricting  and voting patterns. Esri has created tutorial series and lessons to help you understand how we can Make every vote count, on both a historical and present-day analysis.

2022-12-21_18-07-56.png(2016 Presidential elections voting map, right sided displays vote majority by county whereas the left shows votes by count/population density (Illustration / Karim Douieb))

Honest elections are crucial & ensuring safety of voters rights' is vital to our republic democracy. We strive for fair and just elections, but how can we overcome voter suppression tactics that have been both documented, utilized, and ingrained in our  democratic history? Esri has created tutorial series and lessons to help you understand how we can Make every vote count. , on both a historical and present-day analysis.

Analyze your state and their voter regulations, as well as the districts and how they were created. I leave you with these questions, but implore you to find your own answers. 

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